Wednesday 3 September 2008

Media Representations


'Hancock' is represented as a clumsy alcoholic "do-gooder", he has all the best intentions however, unlike other super heroes he is lazy and even though he has powers he is reluctant to show them and further to use them.
He is portrayed like this through the eyes of the economy living in the area that he "works in". Furthermore in my opinion the alcohol symbolises his own personal way to get away from things (escapism) and it seems that it gives him confidence when everyone points blame at him. More so with the cloths he wears he is seen as a lazy person (tramp), as in the beginning he is sleeping on a bench, this not like a super hero as they all have costumes they where, however later on in the movie he trys to change and improve his shabby image. This is all done to try and improve his representation amongst the committee living there.

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