Thursday 23 October 2008

'Hancock' Movie Reviews:

Rotten tomatoes:

"There's nothing he can't do, but because he's drunk and apathetic, he's sloppy about it. The public loathes him, because every time he does something good, he ends up ripping apart roads and demolishing buildings".

I will need this quote for my essay as it clearly shows how 'Hancock' is not a typical superhero, however contradicting this he can also be seen as a superhero as "there's nothing he can't do".

""Hancock" is an original creation, not based on a comic book series. It lacks the fable-like quality that comic book adaptations have at their best, but it also lacks the compressed, frenetic, action-packed-nonsense quality of comic book adaptations at their worst".

This will be needed because it shows that the film was an original idea, and was not based on a comic like other superhero movies, this again shows how 'Hancock' is not a typical representation of a superhero.


"Hancock is not the generic superhero film and is probably one of the more ingenious ideas to come across a producer's desk in quite some time".

I will be using this quote as it says in the opening line "Hancock is not the generic superhero film" this quote will just further reinforce my question.

"The lack of a central villain also hurts the movie a lot. The character that serves as Hancock's enemy in the finale isn't even well acted. The person is laughable".

This will be useful because all super-villains in all superhero movies are normally powerful and they normally have a long fight scene with the superhero. However 'Hancock' does not therefore showing how this film and 'Hancock' is not a typical representation.

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